Monday 5 October 2009

Okay, You Have an iPhone. So what?

I'm tired of people showing off their iPhones as a status symbol. 

I'm not jealous. I'm just annoyed.

I wouldn't be annoyed if these people showed off their iPhones by showing me something useful that they do with them.

But no, almost everyone wants me to simply acknowledge the fact that it is an "iPhone" - a premium phone that only a few people can afford to have.

They then use the phone just to make calls and text their friends! That's a real sad use of technology. It's kind of amusing, because all that these people have done is bought an expensive brick, which they then carry around and protect carefully, without ever realizing its true potential. 

Thursday 1 January 2009

Woozle Wuzzle

In case you are not familiar with the phrase "Woozle Wuzzle", it was uttered by Bart Simpson in the 1994 Simpsons episode titled, "Bart Gets Famous".

That episode was meant to highlight the phenomenon of catchphrases, and how even the silliest of them can catch on easily.

As I kept pondering about what to name this blog, I decided to get inspired by Bart, and come up with something stupid, without spending much time on thinking.

So that's the story of how I came up with "Quazzle". It doesn't mean anything, and I don't expect it to become a recognizable name, but I'm just glad that I don't have to think of a name for this blog anymore!